Chess Nuts


Good morning chess parents,


I am pleased to announce that our virtual chess club dates for the fall session have been finalized and the registration system is up and running! 

The schools will send out paper/electronic copies of the enrollment flyers within the next few days, but, as existing club families, I would like all of you to get a few days advance notice to ensure that none of your children are closed out of the class. Our class sizes will have low maximum enrollment numbers, so I expect them to fill up quickly.


Our fall session will run for 8 weeks, with each class meeting once a week for an hour. Just like our in-person programs, each of these virtual classes will include a live, interactive lesson followed by supervised game time. Each session will include a club tournament with prizes awarded to the students based on their cumulative tournament scores. We will utilize an online platform for both the lessons and the games (students do not need a physical chess board in order to attend the club meetings).


In order to streamline the enrollment for our various school clubs, we have assigned each school to a specific class day and time during the week. I will list these assignments below with a corresponding enrollment link. 


Each link will include options for two different class levels: beginner and experienced. I recommend the beginner class for any student with less than a year of chess club experience, and the experienced class for students with more than a year of experience. 

There will also be a third class level, offered by invitation only, for our most experienced students. Those of you with children in our larger chess clubs might know this as the "champions" class. It is specifically for students with more than 2 years of club experience AND at least one first place trophy from our previous club tournaments). If your child has been in the champions class before, or if you think your child would qualify for the group, please contact me for specific instructions about joining.


Please note: although each school has been assigned to a specific attendance day, we can accomodate students on other days/times if their schedules prevent them from joining their assigned class. If this is the case for your child, please let me know, and we can figure out a time slot that works best for his or her schedule. 

For those of you who had children attend more than one class per week in the past, and would like to do so again, please contact me with your time slot preferences. 

Here are the school club assignments and enrollment links:

Lee Road School (Monday 4pm class time):


Lloyd Harbor School (Monday 5:30pm class time):


Meadow Elementary School (Tuesday 4pm class time):

Hampton Street School (Tuesday 4pm class time):
Meadow Drive School (Tuesday 4pm class time):

Jackson Avenue School (Tuesday, 5:30pm class time):

St. Brigid/OLH School (Wednesday, 4pm class time):
Lenox School (Wednesday, 4pm class time):

Howell Road School (Wednesday, 4pm class time):

Willets School (Wednesday, 5:30pm class time):

St. Christopher School (Wednesday, 5:30pm class time):

Holy Family School (Thursday, 4pm class time):
Roosevelt School (Thursday, 4pm class time):
Vernon School (Thursday, 5:30pm class time): North Side School (Friday, 4pm OR 5:30pm class time):
St. Dominic School (Friday, 4pm class time):
***St. Dominic School is offering a small, in-person class option for its younger students. If you would like to enroll in the in-person option, please contact me for details*** NOTE: If your child's school is not on the list, he or she may join whichever time slot works best for you. If your child is a homeschooler who joined us for the spring or summer online session this year, please contact me directly about enrollment. We have a couple of time slots set aside for homeschool groups. 

Enrollment payments can be submitted directly through the registration website by e-check or credit card (I recommend the e-check option, since its transaction fee is 80% lower than the credit card fee).

An email will be sent out to each time slot group a day or two before the first class, which will include all of the necessary information for the first day of the program.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call, text or email me for help with the enrollment process. 

Have a great weekend!

Tim Carney 
Program Manager
Long Island Chess Nuts